Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Hi there,

We are a group of alumni from SMK Keat Hwa, a secondary school and high school in Alor Star, Kedah.

Throughout the ages, we had seen all the students from Keat Hwa spreading out and even if we met each other on the street one day, we might not know each other. hence, wouldn't it be a waste if we all ended up this way when all of us originate from the same 'ancestor' or almamater?

Thus, we suggest an annual ball for all Keat Hwa students hoping that this will serve as an opportunity for you guys to reminisce those nostalgic moments with old buddies and the other Keat Hwa students so as to expand your social network and to keep in touch.

All Keat Hwa students are invited. As far as we know of, for these past few years, such event has never been organised . Hence, we hope that everyone would give some opinions, comments or watsoever for us to be able to hear from everyone.

Keat Hwa is a great school and we should not forget our school upon leaving. Without her, we are not what we are today. Thus, this blog serves as a platform for all the alumni of Keat Hwa to meet up and exchange ideas.

P/S : Feel Free to leave any comments here or send an email to this email address smkkeathwa@gmail.com . Kindly leave your comment in the format as below

[name](year of enrolment into Keat Hwa/year of graduation) E.g. Smith(1999/2003) and your email address.